TTT Chapter 24 [Full version]

Chapter 24

Translator: Aafkee

Proofreader: Superclubs2

Chen Yuan did not stay for too long before saying his farewell and left. Lu Chuiqing lets out a slow breath. This isn’t the time for him to think about what happened just now. His utmost priority right now is to get home as soon as possible. He quickly picks up his things and walks out of the restaurant briskly. There is no way he can take the train in his current state, Lu Chuiqing can only call for a taxi. The taxi apps nowadays cater to the customers very well, it will always ask their customers if they have any special requirements. For situations like Lu Chuiqing’s, the app will directly match him with an omega or beta driver. When Lu Chuiqing arrives at the car park, his collar is already soaked with sweat. Burning with anxiety, Lu Chuiqing quickly calls for a taxi on his phone using the app. Since he has nowhere he can go while waiting, he can only wait at the entrance of the car park. However, not sure whether there is a traffic jam around the Sanhuan area or is Lu Chuiqing just really unlucky today, none of the drivers has taken up his taxi request. Watching as his request on the taxi app is reaching its time limit soon, the back of Lu Chuiqing’s neck starts to get warmer, his legs getting heavy. He can only lean on the masonry border of the flower shrubs on the roadside as his heart becomes more anxious. When his taxi request expires and no drivers have accepted his request, Lu Chuiqing can only feel helplessness. Unresigned, he tries to request a taxi again as he covers the back of his neck, his forehead and nose tip, which is flushed red, are covered in fine beads of sweat. In the end, there were still no drivers who would take up his request. There is no way Lu Chuiqing’s collar can hold up until he reaches home. The current him can only regret that he did not charge up his collar beforehand when he was still in his office. His heart filled with anxiety, Lu Chuiqing walks up and down the road, hoping to test his luck and catch a taxi. Cars are going back and forth on the busy road, and yet, there is not a single empty taxi. Just as Lu Chuiqing is about to give up all hope, at a loss to know what to do, he looks up coincidentally, his line of sight landing on a familiar figure in the restaurant’s car park. Xiao Zhan is currently standing beside his car and unlocking it, the headlights flash. Lu Chuiqing takes a look at the road, and then takes a look at Xiao Zhan, who is about to enter his own car and leave, Lu Chuiqing struggles internally for a moment before he clenches his teeth and starts towards to car park, calling out hurriedly, “CEO Xiao!” Xiao Zhan’s hand pauses. He turns back and looks towards Lu Chuiqing who’s walking towards him, his eyebrow slightly raised. Lu Chuiqing stops in front of Xiao Zhan and swipes his fringe which is already slightly soaked in sweat, his eyes filled with awkwardness. He can’t help his blush as he requests, “CEO Xiao, I am really sorry but can I trouble you to send me home? I have an emergency right now… It is really urgent and I couldn’t get myself a taxi since just now. I just happened to see you here, so I came to you directly. Please!” Xiao Zhan’s eyes land on Lu Chuiqing’s face for a few seconds. The ear tips under Lu Chuiqing’s black hair and his cheeks are flushed. He looks like he is uncomfortably warm and yet, his collar is buttoned up protectively all the way to the top. Xiao Zhan’s gaze on Lu Chuiqing makes his whole body tighten up. It is a natural response an omega has to protect themselves in front of an alpha, especially in such a situation. If not for Xiao Zhan being his only possible saviour right now, Lu Chuiqing would have turned and walked away straight away. Xiao Zhan, “Come in.” Lu Chuiqing thanks Xiao Zhan stiffly and enters the car almost as if he is forced. Lu Chuiqing suspects that it is highly possible that Xiao Zhan has already guessed what kind of situation he is in right now. If he is Xiao Zhan, he would have suspected himself as a person who knows his schedule and even enters his car during his heat. No matter how upright that person is, he would have thought the person was trying to seduce him. But that really isn’t his intention! Lu Chuiqing can only suffer internally and pray hard that Xiao Zhan does not imagine him as someone who is scheming to get his attention. Xiao Zhan enters and starts up his car, driving out of the car park. The enclosed space in the car makes Lu Chuiqing feel suffocated. His scent must already be leaking, Lu Chuiqing can only open the car window, hoping that his scent will not be trapped in the car as much as possible. Unfortunately, this road in Sanhuan that Lu Chuiqing has to go through every day to reach home, is currently under construction. In addition to the many traffic lights, the traffic is also very congested now. It has already been more than ten minutes, but the car has barely made any progress in terms of distance.
Xiao Zhan’s navigation system has been reminding him of the congestion in front, suggesting for him to change his route. Xiao Zhan follows the car in front, moving forward slowly as he turns up the air conditioning in the car. Lu Chuiqing sees his action and knows immediately that Xiao Zhan must have smelt his pheromone. Lu Chuiqing becomes embarrassed and awkward in a split second, he can only pray for the congestion on the road to ease up. Xiao Zhan props his arm on the window, his eyes on the road. The scent lingering in the car is very obvious now, it seems like the owner of that aromatic and sweet scent of honey peach cannot hold in his scent from leaking anymore. Xiao Zhan’s fingers, which are wrapping around the driving wheel, tighten. He then loosens his necktie and collar. Xiao Zhan, “There is a scent-blockage spray in the cabinet in front of you, have a search yourself.” The reason why there is a scent-blockage spray for omegas in Xiao Zhan’s car only flashes across Lu Chuiqing’s mind for half a second. He has no inclination to mind any other things now. Lu Chuiqing quickly says his thanks and starts rummaging through the cabinet. Sure enough, Lu Chuiqing sees two to three bottles of sprays in the corner of the cabinet. They look pretty new and are of a more expensive brand. Lu Chuiqing takes it out and sprays half a bottle on the back of his neck. Even though his scent is temporarily suppressed, Lu Chuiqing’s symptoms will only get more severe. When the car is finally moving along Huancheng Road, Lu Chuiqing is already panting uncontrollably. He tries his best to shrink into his seat and pulls up the collar of his jacket, covering up his face which is currently burning up. Huancheng Road is congested as well, they have not gone past the construction yet. Given the speed they are moving at right now, it will at least take another half an hour or so but each and every second is torture for Lu Chuiqing. It takes up all of his effort and attention to control himself. “Can you endure until we reach your house?” Xiao Zhan asks faintly, “There is a freeway ramp I can take a hundred or so metres away, and it will lead us out of Huancheng. I can take you to the pharmacy, or the hotel.” Xiao Zhan’s words clear Lu Chuiqing’s head slightly. With his hazy mind, Lu Chuiqing has completely forgotten that he could have gone to a pharmacy and gotten some emergency suppressants. Although it is detrimental to the body to take in strong emergency suppressants, it can’t be helped. As for the hotel… Lu Chuiqing understands Xiao Zhan’s intentions. He tries to swallow his saliva down his dry throat with difficulty before he answers, “CEO Xiao, it really is a coincidence that I met you there today. I was having a meal with… my friend before he left to attend to an urgent matter, and my heat came early all of a sudden so I did not prepare for it at all. I really do not have any intentions of giving you any hints so please do not misunderstand. I would definitely have taken a taxi and never, ever trouble you this way if I could have helped it.” Xiao Zhan remains silent, listening to him quietly. “And regarding that, I believe I have already made it clear.” Lu Chuiqing’s voice is slightly hoarse, “Indeed, I do respect and… like you, but as I said before, I do not wish to maintain a fruitless relationship with you.” Lu Chuiqing’s voice gradually calms, sounding more determined, “You may think it is enough to merely keep a physical relationship, but I am looking for a lover who cares for me, a future family member, not a sexual partner. I know I am not especially outstanding so I don’t have any right to demand so much from you, but if you can’t treat me as an equal or treat me seriously, I will reject your offer no matter how many times you bring it up.”
Lu Chuiqing takes a deep breath. He has already said everything without holding anything back, thinking that this will be the last time he’ll be bringing this topic up in front of Xiao Zhan, “So please send me to the pharmacy.” “It’s not good for your body if you take medicine right now.” Xiao Zhan says calmly, “The reason your heat cycle is inaccurate is due to your long term use of suppressant, isn’t it?” “It’s fine… I’ll be more careful next time.” The car stops again on the congested road. They are only a few tens of metres away from the freeway ramp Xiao Zhan mentioned. Lu Chuiqing recognises the road, Clover Hotel, which is not far from there. That magnificent hotel building can be considered a representation of the development and prosperity of the bustling city, standing proud and tall, it is extremely eye-catching. Unsure whether or not he is becoming more emotionally sensitive due to his heat, Lu Chuiqing suddenly feels a pang of bitter loneliness. It is not that he does not have a place to call home in this city, nor was it the fact that he does not have his own position. However, for a life he truly wants, there is still a missing corner. Will Xiao Zhan be the one to fill that corner? Lu Chuiqing understands in his heart that it is impossible. Yet, Xiao Zhan, who has been beside him, suddenly extends his hand towards him. That long and graceful hand with clearly defined joints grabs Lu Chuiqing’s chin with strength that is neither strong nor weak, forcing his eyes, which are initially on the road outside the window, to land on himself. Xiao Zhan leans forward and lands a kiss on Lu Chuiqing’s dry lips due to his thirst. The kiss is neither light nor half-hearted. Rather, the kiss is deep and a bit forceful. It is so deep that Lu Chuiqing can clearly feel the warmth from the other person’s lips and tongue. Those thin lips that do not curve much normally, which Lu Chuiqing has always thought to be extremely sexy yet alienating, have never incited so much fear as they do right now. Lu Chuiqing becomes extremely flustered and pushes Xiao Zhan away with all his might but, as if Xiao Zhan has expected his response, Lu Chuiqing can not pull away any further. Lu Chuiqing blushes, “What are you doing?!” There is always a part of Lu Chuiqing that makes Xiao Zhan curious and thinks that he’s cute. Even under such circumstances, Lu Chuiqing does not forget to address him with honorifics. The traffic in front of them finally moves. Xiao Zhan releases Lu Chuiqing and steps on the gas pedal, following the car in front of them. The traffic flows much smoother now. Near the freeway ramp, Xiao Zhan immediately switches lanes and turns into the freeway ramp. Lu Chuiqing is panting heavily as he leans on the back of his seat. He can see the eye-catching green cross symbol that represents a pharmacy from a few tens of metres away. The car speeds towards the pharmacy, but there is no sign of the car slowing down at all. Lu Chuiqing panics. Sure enough, Xiao Zhan shows no hesitation as he drives past the pharmacy, leaving behind Lu Chuiqing’s current only hope. Lu Chuiqing turns around, alarmed, “CEO Xiao!” There is no way Lu Chuiqing can snatch the steering wheel away from Xiao Zhan, nor can he jump out of the car. He can only stare as the distance between the car and the pharmacy grows bigger while they get nearer and nearer to Clover Hotel. Just like that, Xiao Zhan drives straight into the hotel’s car park and parks the car. Lu Chuiqing grabs onto his seat belt tightly, the symptoms of his heat and his panic torturing him. He knows what Xiao Zhan wants to do, but he does not know what he should do. “I believe I’ve never once said that I’m treating you as one of those who I can tell them to come and go whenever I want.” Xiao Zhan leans back on his seat as he slowly loosens his cuffs’ buttons, rolling up his sleeves up to his elbow neatly. His voice is unhurried, “Are you that unwilling to place your trust in me?”
Lu Chuiqing stuns momentarily, “That is not what I meant…” Xiao Zhan, “Then what do you mean? You refuse to believe my feelings towards you, you also don’t believe that you are indeed attractive. Why do you feel inferior?” Xiao Zhan’s words set off a wave mingled with memories in Lu Chuiqing’s heart. He realises that he has no words to refute him. The him in the past feels like a lingering spirit, always oppressing his self-confidence at random obscure moments. He may have enough confidence at work, but once it’s anything to do with love and relationship, he becomes uncertain and at a loss. “I’ve told you since the start that there is no need for you to have such a mentality. There is no such thing as having or not having the rights, there is no need to put yourself in a disadvantaged position.” Xiao Zhan looks at him, his voice sounding like a deep and distant chord, flowing lighting inside the car, “If you’re worried about those people near me from the past, then I can tell you clearly now that I’m serious about you.” Xiao Zhan turns off the car engine and spits out a concise “come out” to Lu Chuiqing before he opens the car door and alights the car himself. Lu Chuiqing only leaves the car after a while. His body is swaying slightly. His heat came fiercely, he can barely stand stable. Lu Chuiqing lifts his head and looks at Xiao Zhan, his cheek flushing bright red due to his sensitivity and his heat. There are hints of twinkle and hope mixed with his struggle in his eyes, they almost look misty in the darkening evening sky. “CEO Xiao…” There is a slight tremble in his hoarse voice, “Are you serious towards me?” Xiao Zhan lowers his eyes and fixes his eyes on Lu Chuiqing, “Do you want me to repeat myself?” Lu Chuiqing knows he probably can’t reject anymore. He had initially thought that his love towards Xiao Zhan is the type of love that would not hurt him emotionally for too long even if he is to give it up. In the end, only until now does Lu Chuiqing realises that he really does love him. In honesty, Lu Chuiqing could not be sure whether he can follow his heart again and take a leap of faith, throwing away all those apprehensions and accept Xiao Zhan. The future is always uncertain, there is not a single person who can guarantee that every single promise can be kept. However, to know whether the person in front of him is the right person, he has no other alternatives than to take a step forward, right? Lu Chuiqing reaches out towards Xiao Zhan, placing Xiao Zhan’s hands on his cheeks as if to convince himself, or even to lower his temperature with Xiao Zhan’s cool palms. Lu Chuiqing’s voice is still hoarse and filled with hesitation and worries, but he takes the courage and reaches out his hand, “Okay… I trust you.” Hot, this is the only thing Lu Chuiqing feels when he enters the hotel room. Every single part of his body is burning up, his brain, his palms, his chest, his heart, in between his legs. He has endured for too long, making it impossible for him to resist when the tide of passion approaches. Lu Chuiqing does not even have any impression of how he has followed Xiao Zhan into the room. Every step he takes feels like a step on a soft cotton wadding. He only knows that he needs to hold Xiao Zhan's hands tightly to stop himself from crashing onto the floor. Lu Chuiqing can smell a faint scent of wine the moment he steps into the room. There is a tiny hint of mint in the scent of alcohol wafting into his nose. It feels a little biting at first but becomes profound and earnest in the end, flowing back and forth along his limbs, changing into waves of warmth and desire. Taking in the scent, Lu Chuiqing’s whole body goes soft.
Lu Chuiqing hangs up his coat on the coat hanger in passing, one of his arms supporting Lu Chuiqing’s waist, his other hand holding up his chin as he leans down and kisses him on his lips, the tip of his tongue tasting Lu Chuiqing’s warm and wet soft tongue. The scent of alcohol in the air becomes more intense and biting, the scent causing a wave of dizziness to sweep over Lu Chuiqing. He is in a daze, the heat of his body flourishing even more. As if in a dream, Lu Chuiqing tightens his fingers on Xiao Zhan’s shoulders, grabbing tightly onto his clothes. Xiao Zhan’s kiss is different from all that he has experienced before, it is not gentle nor is it filled with a sense of attachment. His kiss only makes him feel a sense of heat and addiction that causes him to quiver, both mentally and physically. In a short pause between kisses, Xiao Zhan embraces Lu Chuiqing and unbuttons his shirt unhurriedly. Lu Chuiqing leans onto Xiao Zhan’s shoulder, half-dazed and half sobered, “CEO Xiao… did you prepare alcohol?” Xiao Zhan lets out a low laugh. He lands a kiss on Lu Chuiqing’s ear and answers slowly, “Can’t you tell? This is my pheromone.” Lu Chuiqing is stunned and shuts his mouth in a split second. No wonder the scent makes him burn inside and goes limp, turns out, it is his pheromone. He can clearly feel the fabric surrounding his private place becoming completely soaked, sticking onto his skin making it uncomfortable -- No matter in which aspect, he is not strong against alcohol. Alphas will release their pheromones when they are sexually excited or when there is a huge fluctuation in their moods. Furthermore, they are also affected by omegas’ pheromones to a large degree. So Xiao Zhan’s pheromone… smells like this? Lu Chuiqing’s shirt is completely undone, hanging loose and sliding off his shoulder, his pinkish-coloured nipples perk up sensitively, showing faintly under his shirt. Xiao Zhan reaches into his shirt, his fingers on the side of his waist, feeling the slight tremble under his palm. “It is about time you stop using honorifics.” Xiao Zhan speaks in a low voice, his fingers kneading Lu Chuiqing’s soft and plump earlobe. Lu Chuiqing’s ears heat up. Although they have confirmed that relationship now, it has yet to settle in. Things like changing the way he addresses Xiao Zhan is probably going to take him some time, “I… need time to get used to it.” Xiao Zhan remains silent and tightens his arms around Lu Chuiqing’s waist and lifts Lu Chuiqing up. Lu Chuiqing wraps his arms around Xiao Zhan's neck nervously, his legs unconsciously gripping around Xiao Zhan’s waist. After that action, Lu Chuiqing’s face flushes bright red. Xiao Zhan carries Lu Chuiqing to the bed. The light is dim in the room, the warm, yellowish light seems to be leaking the sweet scent of custard, making Lu Chuiqing, who is already mostly drunk, even more hazy. Xiao Zhan kneels on the bed and leans forward to kiss him again. Lu Chuiqing responds giddily, clenching both his legs to create some friction against the cloth unconsciously, his underwear already wet and sticky. The scent of alcohol and honey peach mingles as if transforming into some sort of aphrodisiac fruit wine. Lu Chuiqing’s chin is lifted up by Xiao Zhan fingers, his soft tongue already numb from being sucked, his body is trembling slightly from being stimulated by an alpha’s pheromone. Before he can even respond, his fitting suit trousers are already pulled off by Xiao Zhan and left lying on the carpeted floor together with his leather belt. A tent has already formed at the front of his underwear, his backside already soaked with a wet, dark patch. An omega’s body fat is, inevitably, higher than an alpha’s, their buttocks and thighs are always fuller. Lu Chuiqing’s stress level was too high the past couple of years, so he is leaning towards being a little too thin, his waist, legs and arms are all slightly skinnier than an average male. Though, the fats on his butt seem to have remained, looking plump and smooth covered by his underwear.
He did not work out much during his university times and he has always been sitting in the office in recent years, so Lu Chuiqing suspects this is the best shape his body can ever hope to maintain. The embarrassment is intense in Lu Chuiqing’s heart, his pair of pale legs stiffening uncontrollably, his toes gripping onto the bed sheet nervously. Xiao Zhan loosens his necktie and tosses it to the side, Lu Chuiqing sucks in a deep breath. Since they are already on the bed, there is no point in acting all embarrassed now. He endures his embarrassment and reaches out his hand to help undo the buttons on Xiao Zhan’s shirt. The light grey shirt comes undone slowly, putting the content under it on display. Xiao Zhan’s shoulders are wider than Lu Chuiqing’s, his limbs are also longer than Lu Chuiqing’s. Through the vague material of his shirt, his chest, abdomen and upper arms are all extremely pleasing to the eyes. The fitting and smooth lines of his muscles are thick enough to give a strong sense of safety and security. Lu Chuiqing’s breath hitches, the tip of his soft ears burning red. He carefully undoes Xiao Zhan’s buttons, as if he can not bear to disrupt the slow process demonstrating the body which is capable of provoking anyone’s sexual tension. When the shirt is finally being taken down to the elbows, putting a wide shoulder and back on full display, Xiao Zhan pulls out the shirt from his arm and kisses Lu Chuiqing’s feverish ear tips. Lu Chuiqing can not help but reach out, placing his hands on Xiao Zhan’s chest. With his palms on Xiao Zhan’s warm skin, the aroma of wine in the air becomes more and more intense. Like a flow of electricity flowing through his body and stimulating his senses and nerves, it makes him feel like the humid and warm honey in an enclosed jar. Xiao Zhan’s fingers fiddle with Lu Chuiqing’s collar, embracing the whole of Lu Chuiqing in the shadows of his arms and shoulders. He asks, “Do you want to take it off?” Lu Chuiqing knows that Xiao Zhan will not mark him now, but wearing a collar can provide a sense of safety to an omega. Lu Chuiqing’s gland pulses faintly on the back of his neck, warm and numb. He gazes into Xiao Zhan’s eyes, his own eyes flickering slightly. In the end, he lets out a deep sigh, unlocks the collar lightly, takes it out and puts it on the bedside table. Xiao Zhan’s finger caresses his gland unhurriedly. A simple touch like that on the sensitive and small gland is enough to give Lu Chuiqing a wave of numbing stimulation crashing into his body.



With misty eyes, Lu Chuiqing grabs onto Xiao Zhan’s arm tightly, his underwear taken off by Xiao Zhan, the wet fabric leaving and pulling a fine thread of wetness from the private area between his buttocks. Lu Chuiqing’s heart thumps loudly against his chest, he can not help but cover his face with his arms as his legs are being gripped and lifted up by someone else. His butt is full and juicy like a honey peach, the hole that is wetted by transparent liquid is already dyed in an aroused and faint, pinkish red. When a finger rubs against it, it would clench up and tremble nervously just like its owner, wet and soft, plump and cute, as alluring as a little bunny showing its fluffy head on the thick snow. When Xiao Zhan’s finger enters, Lu Chuiqing’s body tenses up, a soft moan leaking out from his throat, quickly followed by a series of soft pants. He has been using suppressants and manmade pheromones for too long. Now that he is drowning in the pheromone of a real alpha, his body has become extremely sensitive. Besides, even though Lu Chuiqing has used tools to help himself get through his heats, but he has always consoled himself hastily, his body reactions right now are even more inexperienced than he has expected. The meaty hole on his lower body is as wet and soft as a sponge, sucking in Xiao Zhan’s finger, the liquid that can’t stay in is leaking out along his buttocks, dripping onto the bed. Lu Chuiqing’s face is completely red, hiding his face in between his arms with all his might.
Xiao Zhan fingers make the scissoring motion to expand the tight hole slightly, his other arm wrapping around Lu Chuiqing’s shoulders as he asks in a low voice, “Has it been a long time?” The last time Lu Chuiqing made love was before his pregnancy in his previous life. Besides, even if he had experienced it mentally, this body, which is seven years younger, has never had any practical experience before. No matter what, he would be shy and nervous. Lu Chuiqing affirms sulkily, the ending note of his voice trembling slightly along with Xiao Zhan’s movement of his fingers in his body. The omega’s body is already wet and flexible now, Xiao Chan removes his fingers and wipes the glistering liquid on his fingers on Lu Chuiqing’s thighs unhurriedly. Lu Chuiqing grabs onto the pillow behind him and pants, his trembling legs opened wide. He hears the soft clinking noises of a metal buckle, a chilling surface of metal streak across his warm skin coincidentally as it falls onto the floor, startling him. Lu Chuiqing opens his eyes hazily, he can see Xiao Zhan’s malevolent and burgeoning penis, the veins coiling around the thick shaft, the transparent condom currently wrapping around the thick, umbrella-shaped head. It is shockingly thick and hard. Lu Chuiqing’s heart thumped hard for a split second, wanting to suck in a cold breath subconsciously but immediately stops himself by covering his mouth. Xiao Zhan grabs Lu Chuiqing’s ankles and kisses Lu Chuiqing’s nose tip as his meat shaft forces open the tightly closed hole. The wet and soft tunnel spasms in alarm, clenching tightly around the thick and big meat shaft subconsciously, the entrance of the hole stretching out little by little. Lu Chuiqing has entered the peak of his heat, he arches up his back uncontrollably the moment he is penetrated, an unbearable light moan leaking from his mouth. His voice sounds wet and trembling, his lips are marked by his teeth marks as he bites down in a vain attempt to stop his voice. To suddenly have to swallow up something much bigger than what he was used to, his hole, which has not been stimulated for almost four months, the first thing he feels is a pain that he can’t ignore. Besides, Lu Chuiqing has never done it this deeply before, even if they have done enough preparations, the pain is inevitable. A few droplets of sweat drips down from Lu Chuiqing’s fine hair on his forehead. He grasps tightly onto Xiao Zhan’s arms that are propped up against the bed beside his body, panting heavily. Lu Chuiqing lets out a deep breath. Xiao Zhan times his movement with the split-second Lu Chuiqing relaxes and continues to push in, forcing Lu Chuiqing to endure an even deeper invasion before he can even let out his breath fully. Xiao Zhan is too deep, it reaches a soft, meaty spot that Lu Chuiqing has never reached on his own. His entrance is already forced open into the shape of Xiao Zhan’s sexual organ, both his perineum and legs are trembling. A pair of hands swipe Lu Chuiqing’s wet fringe to the side. Xiao Zhan buries himself shallowly, making small movements in Lu Chuiqing’s body to give him time to get used to it. He asks softly, “Does it hurt?”



Lu Chuiqing opens his eyes slightly, his eyes are hazy and slightly red. He nods slightly, his lips becoming a bit dry from panting so hard just now. He wants Xiao Zhan to kiss him. As if reading his thoughts, Xiao Zhan leans down without any words from him as he reaches out to wrap his arm around Xiao Zhan’s neck, pasting his own lips on Xiao Zhan’s, which becomes wet quickly from their kiss.


Translator's note:

Holy CRAP that was a freaking long chapter. 😨 Unfortunately, updates for this series may become irregular at least until mid-November since I am SWARMED with IRL stuff. 😞 So if you want to get a notification for new releases, feel free to join the Discord server and give yourself a series role.

The next chapter has more smexy time so I'll at least try to get that up in time. 👀

Enjoy! xoxo

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